Monday, January 18, 2010

My Vote Tomorrow

I vote in every election I can, which is often. Being a resident of Massachusetts, I am often on the side of an overwhelming majority, but I still do not take my vote for granted. It is a vote like the one I am going to cast tomorrow why.

In the past, I got to vote for one of the greatest Senators of all time. Ted Kennedy worked hard for issues I personally care about, that have helped make the lives of ordinary American’s better. Everything from the Civil Rights Act to Maternity Leave, to Americans with Disabilities, Ted Kennedy has had a major hand in all, and we are better for it.

Now, being pushed through Congress is the largest change in health care since Medicare. For too long have health insurers been denying coverage to their customers when they need them the most. For too long have people been outright denied coverage because they are already sick or already disabled. For too long have we allowed insurers to make medical decisions based on profit. For too long have insurance premiums increased at much higher rates than inflation, and for too long the medical industry has continued to waste money on useless tests.

Ted Kennedy once said "Let us resolve that the state of a family's health shall never depend on the size of a family's wealth." That was 30 years ago. Since then we have seen democrats try and try again to make this so, only to face stiff opposition from very talented but overzealous lobbyist who often over distort facts and in many cases flat out lie about healthcare. The truth is people cannot afford healthcare. We spend twice the percentage of our GDP as the next highest country for health insurance.

When I go to the polls tomorrow to cast my vote, it will not be to affirm Ted Kennedy, it will be a vote on the principle of healthcare as a fundamental right, as a basic human dignity, and not a privilege for those that enjoy a decent job or a vast wealth.

This is what I stand for, and this is what Martha Coakley stands for, and this is why I will be casting my vote for her.

1 comment:

Bill Free said...

Well said. Ted's quote - "the state of a family's health should not depend on its wealth" - resonates today more than ever. With your vote, you keep up the fight.